[Original post by Elliot Mogerman – Transferred from yahoogroups.com]
Last night did a little dancing in a 5 story pub with a few hundred of my Sydney friends. Upstairs where the dance floor was the temperature must have been around 120 degrees. Hate to admit it, but I got my ass kicked in a dance off with one of my friends. There was nothing I could do, trust me, except stand there and get served. The weather continues to be gorgeous. Today Mike and I had lunch at a café so he could use the internet and I went for a little productive walk. I found a street festival with tons of street performers. The first guy was a contortionist and put himself through a squash racquet. The second was a juggler and acrobat who did a few funny things with chainsaws, knives, apples, and fire. Even on Sunday I found a doctor that was open so I could get some drops for my outer ear infection. Also, back at the fair I found a sports injury tent and had them do a free consultation with my elbow. They agree it is a calloused bone and will continue to heal as long as I keep it active. Probably recommend a chiropractor when I return to the states to work out the internal finer things that need fixing. Made an appointment with a dentist for a cleaning, its been a little over 6 months since I left and definitely about time. Walked through a nice park and should be working on the gps tonight with mike on my bike.